
About Me

I would like to tell you a little about my independent record label, Polaris Music Group. PMG is a very new and when I say new, I mean I am still in the developmental stage. PMG has been founded by Beatrice Ellis. PMG is an Ohio based business that plans to produces various media of rap, hip-hop and R&B music. PMG is taking a new, innovative approach to artist promotion and record sales. Instead of competing with the large, ultra competitive major record labels, and some higher-level independent labels, PMG plans to adopt an intimate approach where they concentrate on a strategic number of artists. By working with only a few artists at once, PMG is able to offer a much more specialized and attentive level of service for their artists. PMG will be working with a variety of parties for distribution and other networking purposes. Polaris Music Group is looking for talented artist that fit within our genre of interest, all ages and gender. First and foremost... PMG is looking for quality and complete market ready artist only. We're looking for artists who have great work ethnics and are committed to their musical careers, write constantly, performs live, compose great songs. If you or your group fit this criterion, then PMG would like to collaborate with you to maximize her record sells, promotion, and exposure.
Location Columbus, OH


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Registered Nov 25, 2007
Last update Nov 25, 2007


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